Why Solution Focused Therapy?
Solution Focused conversations are powerful and effective ways to help at any time in life. We all move up and down the continuum of happiness over our lives. Sometimes events hit us hard, at others we find ourselves just feeling really stuck. We might generally be getting on well in life but be striving to reach a goal, in say, a sport or pastime that really matters to us.
Your decision to reach out and book a session is all that's needed to start the process of change. You are already on your way. We will not spend time quantifying the problem, diagnosing or rating its severity. Solution focus isn't about your therapist trying to understand all the myriad of factors that led to this moment; it's about helping you recognise your own resources, move forward and be able to construct a clear roadmap with small achievable steps
A solution focused conversation can help when we feel like nothing is changing or ever will.
Sometimes we struggle because our brains have fended off change so well that we end up stuck in a rut. Routines and safe predictability might have helped in lockdown but it can prevent us thriving in post-pandemic everyday life. As humans we are wired for safety and unhelpfully see change as a threat. A few solution focused conversations can help us see the possibilities open to us and help us overcome a sense of overwhelming fear or anxiety.
Stuckness can take many forms, including:
Compulsive exercise
Restrictions from anxiety
Lack of motivation due to depression
Lack of self-belief
Social Media overuse / 'Fear of missing out'
Life Events and Change:
Sometimes life throws us challenges. We can feel overwhelmed and struggle to see the possibilities change offers. Even things that look like they should makes us happy can throw us into a spin [retirement ranks in the top ten stressful life events, and promotion at work ranks in the top twenty life stress events]
As humans we are wired up to resist change and perceive it as a threat. Solution Focused conversations help remind us that we are in fact safe and allows our brains to remain flexible and adapt.
Examples of such times could be:
Job Changes / Job Loss
Loss of someone special in your life
Moving House
Health issues (you or someone in your family)
Children flying the nest (or returning in their 20’s…)​
Personal Goals
Solution Focus can help with those aspects of life that might not exactly be life and death but really really matter to us; things like playing a sport to a high level, staying calm under performance pressure, coping when our skillset seems to have resulted in things flatlining and we've tried everything, or when we start to notice our performance is declining with age and we dearly want to stay in love with the thing we've enjoyed our whole lives.​​​​​
​​Get in touch
If you can relate to any of the above, or know someone who might be facing such challenges please reach out (using the form below) and we can have a chat about what might help. I offer a free 15 minute consultation and would love to hear from you.